photo of businessmen shaking hands

Strategic partners

The organization of Hotelga is possible thanks to the Hotel and Gastronomy Business Federation of the Argentine Republic (FEHGRA) and the Association of Tourism Hotels of the Argentine Republic (AHT), together with Messe Frankfurt Argentina.

AHT y Fehgra en Hotelga


Since 1941, FEHGRA represents the entire activity in the country. Its objective is to defend the interests of the sector and collaborate in the development of hospitality, gastronomy, and tourism. The entity brings together more than 84,000 companies, grouped in its entities. There are 17,000 hotel establishments and 67,000 gastronomic establishments. 



AHT is a non-profit organization with a long history and presence throughout the national territory, founded in February 1977. It groups and represents the most important hotels in the country distinguished by the quality of their facilities and the excellence of their services. AHT supports the interests of the hotel and tourism sector jointly with the public and private sectors to strengthen the competitiveness of its associates and meet their needs.


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